Clan Demon

Lethir Morag


Levels 1-40

Claw and Tooth: +8
Improved Strength: +6
Fortitude: 8, +1 per level.
Domination by Possession: +6-MA vs. Willpower
Immune to Fire and Ice.
Sire by Blood: out of death with Rituals to make Demonic Acolytes (Humans/Elves, ect. turned Demon.)
They take double dmg on Wizard Spells.
Special Abilities: 5 free innate spell-like abilities in Path of the Abyss, see below.

Classes: Any of neutral, lawful, chaotic or evil alignments.

Innate Powers - Abyssal
Drain Life: -1 level per success
Abyssal Death Plunge: turns warrior victims into minion Morbid Knights (see Demons, Morbid Knights in bestiary) and non-warrior victims into dead realms zombies which can be enslaved (see Demons, Dead Realms Zombie in Bestiary).
Black Fusion: fuses elements with flesh, or other elements.
Abysmal Wall of Force: drains life -1 level per success, +MA+Spell Level dmg.
Wrath Plunge: Turns victim into a Wrath Demon, see Demon, Wrath in bestiary.
Additional Innate: choose +5 more Abyss spells from arcane SB, ice included at x 2 damage, +2 abyss spells gens 2-4
Innate Enchanter Specialization: Some clan demons are born as Enchanters who have full path of Enchantment (arcane spell book) and arcane lore (limited paths) in place of all innate and clan paths. This occurs owed to the heavy enchantment variables in their ancestry.

Clan Paths
Elemental: Any one path which suits clan type but light
Arcane: Any one path but wizardry
Arcane Generation Bonuses: Demons which can command more than 120 spells (see clan hierarchy chart below) can learn additional paths or spells in any arcane or elemental path, or learn more than one spell in each level up to SB limit.


    All clan demons are spawed from a first generation demon. Subrace form shifts into a demon form which varies in appearance in accordance with their progenitor's demonic form. Thus Clan Demon emboiments and powers vary from clan to clan. Some have wings, or horns, others do not. They tend to look like a more humanish version of the progenitor of their clan, but not always. Red Clan Demons in a shift tend to look like humans with red flesh, claws, bulls horns, and arrow tipped whip-like tails for example.

    As their name suggests, these demons form a clan under their Elders. The eldest in the clan is always the leader. Each clan includes all descendants born or sired of their clan line as demons and even demon kin, who become clan mates. The leaders and sires forbid their acolytes to leave their clans by pain of death unless Acheron's Prince commands otherwise. These demons choose their acolytes carefully, and kill any which disappoint their expectations. When the Elder dies, the highest ranking demon takes over. They are sired out of humans, elves, and angels in transition of a mortal form.

    What defines these demons as Clan Demons: These demons are spawned out of various demonic races which distinguishes their lines, thus their powers and demon form vary according to the ancestral progenitor they were spawned from. Their innate powers remain the same despite this. All Clan Demons without exception maintain a strict order in their clan. Each clan is named after either their progenitor, or their maker's clan emblem, for example; Adramelech Clan Demons, Asmodeus Clan Demons, Azaize Clan Demons, Black Pike Clan Demons, Bent Horn Clan Demons, Wolf Rake Clan Demons, etc. (these are actual clans)

Clan Demon Hierarchy

    Prince or Matriarch: Level 25-40, 2nd or 3rd gen, 480 spells, leader and law of the clan
    Regent: Level 20-38, Eldest 3rd or 4th gen, 400 Spells, Leader and law of the clan when the Prince or Matriarch is absent.
    Arch Bishop: Level 18-38, 3rd or 4th gen, 320 Spells, Always present on the battle field and during arcane rituals as the arch mage
    Bishop: Level 16-34, 4th or 5th gen, 240 Spells, Often on the battle field, also teaches clan mates the clan standards and practices
    Vizier: Level 14-32, 5th or 6th gen, 160 Spells, Clan advisor and teacher of clan paths
    Clan Knight Captain: Level 18-40, Any Generation, 160 Spells, Always a Clan Demon Knight, acting general of the clan's legions. Most powerful and most intelligent warrior in the clan. Master of battle plans and tactics. See bestiary, Demon, Clan Knights
    Master at Arms: Level 16-38, 6th or 7th gen, 120 Spells, Organizes and helps train clan legions, second to the Knight Captain on the battle field. This figure is often but not always a clan demon knight.
    Clan Warriors: Level 10-30, 7th or 8th gen, 0 Spells with 85% MR or Clan Demon Knights, These demons are always on call to fight for the clan and form various units, including rangers, special forces, and guards.
    Clan Mages: Level 5-22, 7th or 8th gen, 120 Spells, Always on call for various tasks, they take up flanking and guard positions during battle.
    Clan Enchanter: Level 5-34, 8th or 9th gen, All Enchantment and or Lore Spells, Always available to the clan with specialized power to enchant items and objects, ward areas, protect areas or items, etc.
    Clan Mates: Level 3-16, New Bloods of any Gen or Gens 10+, 120 Spells or 0 MA with 85% MR, Handle tasks requested of them and often apprentice under one of their superiors. All are trained in the clan's arcane arts and or combat.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008