TMK RP Rules

(1) Anyone who posts spam, malicious, pornographic or criminal content to the forum will have their account deleted and banned without warning.
(2) Inappropriate content may be deleted from posts at GM's discretion if complaints are received.
(3) Please follow our rules, keep posts appropriate to your age group, and respect all your fellow players.
(4) We have a special board for young players (Morashtar Ardda). Please do NOT post mature content to that board.

Wizard Quest Rules of Play

1-Multiple Characters: Play as many characters as you like but no more than you can handle in an SL (Story Line or Chapter). Drop characters by 'retiring' them awhile as needed.

2-Never Take RP Personally. Never take OOC IC, or IC OOC. This means; do not take what happens in the game personally, or what happens outside of the game into your character in any personal manner. To do so is very immature and will not be tolerated. If a character is being unkind to your character the mun is NOT being mean to you. Keep fantasy and reality separated.

3-A Defense is Always Allowed: No Automatic kills or hits are allowed unless accepted by the player.. Every character can defend against any attack. Auto kills do not exist in TMK against Played Characters or Important NPC. You may defend even if a player posts a hit.

4-Integrity of Post: Character Actions (Escapes, Attacks, Defenses, etc) are all dependent on integrity of post. Use dice if a post cannot determine an outcome.

5-Make Actions Clear: Be descriptive when using any action such as attacking, defending, or using power so that the action is clearly understood.

6-Character Interaction: Never use 'mun consent required' to save a character from opposing IC actions such as harm, capture or death in a WQ game. Post your counter to an action, do not respond to IC actions OOC without trying an In Character solution first. Absolutely DO NOT complain about or refute IC actions OOC UNLESS an action is inappropriate or a CLEAR cheat. Mun Consent is absolutely supported if used to decline adult content however.

7-No mature game content without consent: TELL players before you start playing if you are underage, or are purely an adventure player and are not interested in mature game content so they understand.

  • If a player is being inappropriate and offensive, tell the player you have no interest in that kind of game interaction, and if they ignore you, contact the GM immediately.
  • Post altercation to forum OOC Alert channel and Send forum link to GM if you want help in resolving the situation.
  • Wizard Quest wants to protect all of its players young and old from uncomfortable or potentially harmful situations.
  • For this reason, we have the Morashtar Ardda board just FOR young players or those who prefer NOT to play mature content. Any player can post on this board as long as they follow the NO MATURE CONTENT rule.
  • No Mature Content means no sexually detailed posts, no detailed sick or gory violence, and no excessive bad language.
  • 8-Absolutely no Moding: RP cheating will not be tolerated. Modes will not be accepted and repeat moding will result in a player being banned from the IC boards.

    9-Please be Polite: Be polite to other muns. Characters can be rude as they like, but ooc rudeness is inexcusable. No stalking, hate language, trolling or name calling.

    10-Choose an Appropriate Level: Please do not request powerful characters if you are not an experienced role player, or not experienced with your character type or unfamiliar with game mechanics. Start out at a level you are comfortable with and can handle and build your character up over time.

    11-Take Advice Gracefully: Please take helpful hints and advice from GM (Game Master) gracefully, it is meant to help, not to offend. Always remember that the GM is the game leader and it is their job to help, guide, and instruct players when needed.

    12-The GMs Final Word is Final: A GM's role is to be in charge, keep game running smoothly, and to settle debates. This often happens through IC play. The GM will listen to a player's views, but may not always agree. Take the GM's final word gracefully even if you disagree with their solution.
    To insure fair game decisions; Players can call for a Vote on a Forum in SL matters, and GM will abide by the outcome of the poll if more than one voice is heard from.

    13-Honorable Play: High level characters cannot kill a character that is ten or more levels under their own, unless lower level character is a known enemy, or is provoking or threatening the higher level character. If any character is killed for no reason, other than being a convenient target, they get a free resurrection, meaning, a resurrection must be arranged for the dead character and does not add to their resurrection difficulty. This rule helps promote fair play.

    14-Resurrections: All Wizard Quest characters (with exception of Empire of Nosgard characters) get resurrections without limit, there is however a resurrection difficulty which rises each time a character is resurrected. Resurrection must be performed by a WQ character (or a character approved by a GM) with resurrection abilities. Resurrections must be logged, and log must be received by GMs to count. Resurrections also need to make sense. How character came to be resurrected must be explained and logged. Resurrections cost less if a character has a 'Way of Death' and dies from some other means of death, meaning all deaths that are not included as a 'way of death' for a certain character type are called transient deaths, and difficulty only rises by 5% instead of by 10%. All resurrections must be logged and link sent to GM as well to count. Send resurrection Log links to all parties involved, including the mun of character who killed rezzed char. You can also post resurrection on forum where rezz occured.

    15-Level Ups: Posts add to rank dots which can be used to buy levels and attributes. See XP on Dice menu. By using experience section on character sheet to keep track of actions, story goals, and missions, you can earn even more experience which can be used to purchase more levels and new skills. Post updates of earning and spending on the forum OOC XP channel to GM.

    RP Guidelines

    Dice: Dice are optional, but please look at dice pages before deciding not to use them.
    No dice are allowed in our chats unless they are Wizard Quest dice. If interested in having WQ dice assigned to a premade character, contact one of the GMs: See Contact Us on Menu

    Way of Death (WoD): All characters must have 1-3 ways of death even if they are powerful immortals. WoD subject to GM discretion.

    OOC: No OOC in our IC chats is allowed unless in (bubbles), very brief, such as brb, afk, wb, ty, etc. or RP related. Take OOC to OOC boards and channels or an OOC chat. Thanks.

    Please be descriptive: Story Line games rely on description to make them interesting. Posts do not have to be long but try to make content and dialogue count.

    Post Length: Quality not quantity is what matters. Posts can be very long or short. Long posts tell players more about a character and setting. Short posts are fine, especially when characters are talking back and forth with dialogue, questions and answers, or with remarks and responses. Quality of post not quantity is what matters. "Please use proper NORMAL punctuation. If a character is speaking, use quotation marks." she instructed.

    Chat Setting: Learn to Play within a chat room or forum's settings. Players do not have to start out knowing about a location, but should strive to learn about it as they play. We have location pages, use them as needed. If building a forum of your own as a kingdom, tavern, or region, use these location guides and our maps. You are welcome to use pieces of our maps to designate a location or make your own maps within location guidelines.
    (See Characters; Melchaiah and his Estate Page for an example.)
    The main Inns and Taverns have floor plans and we have maps for the continent and major cities. Please use them and learn how to get around Morashtar. Inform GM if you want to add a city or location to our setting. It will be added to our maps in the future asap.

    Establishing New Locations: You are welcome to make up small villages in remote locations on the fly, but do not invent large towns, cities, kingdoms, etc. that do not exist in our setting without GM approval. If interested in establishing kingdoms, factions, and new settings within our RPG, contact the GM.

    Character Types Allowed: Original characters based on or adapted to TMK content or characters taken from TMK Bestiary.

    Note: If a player wants to play a character type that is native to Morashtar and its lands, they can go to the Bestiary section on our site and look over the character types we have available, then fill out a character sheet, using the information from chosen character type's page. You can even link a character page to their character type in bestiary.

    Please Note: Just because a character is male or female doesn't mean the player is. Nothing about a character necessarily relates to a player though there are times it might. Either way keep characters separate from their muns at all times.

    NPC Requests: Players can choose to play characters listed as NPCs on the character list page. If an NPC is a high level character, GM can request a trial period for playing high level NPCs.
    The advantage of playing an NPC is that their character sheets are already made and many things about the character are predefined. This takes away the challenge of making a character, and creates the challenge of playing an NPC in character. It is like accepting an acting role. If interested in Playing an NPC, contact the GM or owner of the page the NPC is on.

    Building Factions: We allow Site Integration and Player Groups as what we call Factions. Factions can be a kingdom, clan or group based on or adapted to our WQ game content. WQ Factions must use WQ dice if dice are used. Dice are optional for all players and Factions. All Factions must abide by WQ rules of play.
    Faction Rules can be established and appended by Faction leaders as well. Each Faction has its own officials who call the shots within their SL and Faction. All TMK Factions are tied into the TMK game platform, but you have the option of building your own Kingdom or even a portal to another world, dimension, or plane within our universe, which is not restricted to Morashtar. Factions recruit their own players but also bring their players into the TMK game ring. Include kingdoms and countries and your basic Faction Plan in History Section of Character Sheet. You can also submit an entire site. If plan is approved you can go ahead with your Faction. See 'Contact Us' and 'Create a Character' on menu to create a faction.

    The Middle Kingdom Officials Roster

    GM-Game Master: Game Rules, Main Story Archs, Members and Chat and Web Master; Sparky and JD

    Co-GM: Character Information, Rules, Chat, and Story Lines; None currently.

    SG-Story Guide: Chat Information, Game Rules, Story Lines: Spork, Alpha n Omega, Batmoose, Galaxy, Monseiur

    Interested in Becoming a Co-GM or SG? Contact JD or Sparky and make a request; subject: Request Official

    Interested in Starting a TMK Faction or Integrating your RPG site? Contact JD or Sparky and make a request; subject: Request Faction

    Please Use CONTACT to E-Mail GM questions when she is RPing in a chat. Thank you.

    Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008